8 results:

Earth system modeling with endogenous and dynamic human societies: the copan:CORE open World–Earth modeling framework

… T., Kolb, J.J., Kolster, T., Müller-Hansen, F., Otto, I.M., Zimmerer, K.B., Lucht, W.

Event-based models to understand the scale of the impact of extremes

… climate–economy and energy systems models. Otto, C., Piontek, F., Kalkuhl, M., Frieler, K.

On-demand motorcycle taxis improve mobility, not sustainability

… transport system. Suatmadi, A., Creutzig, F., Otto, I.

Sind Mobilitäts-Apps gut für das Weltklima?

… Informationen:Suatmadi, A., Creutzig, F., Otto, I., On-demand motorcycle taxis improve mobility, not…

Modeling loss-propagation in the global supply network: The dynamic agent-based model acclimate

… bottlenecks inaccessible to static analyses. Otto, C.; Willner, S.N.; Wenz, L.; Frieler, K.; Levermann,…

G20-Berater: Trumps Entscheidung "unverantwortlich"

… Johannes Merck F20, Chairman of the Michael Otto Foundation

Debatte über Klimakrise

… Hendricks, dem Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Otto Group und Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums der Michael…

Making or breaking climate targets: The AMPERE study on staged accession scenarios for climate policy

… Nils; Bosetti, Valentina; Marcucci, Adriana Otto, Sander; Paroussos, Leonidas; Rao, Shilpa; Currás,…