Maximilian Amberg

PhD student

 Maximilian Amberg

Maximilian is a PhD candidate in the MCC working group Sustainable Resource Management and Global Change and the Policy Evaluation Lab. His research primarily focuses on the causal analysis of key environmental and climate policy instruments in the transport and building sector.

Maximilian completed his Bachelor's degree in Economics at Heidelberg University and at Sciences Po in Paris. In 2022, he obtained his Master's degree in Economics from the University of Mannheim. Prior to starting his PhD in early 2023, he worked in the MCC working group Economic Growth and Human Development. During this time, his work involved the CO₂-price reform and the current energy price crisis in Germany, with a particular emphasis on the distributional aspects of various compensation measures and relief packages.

Maximilian holds a PhD scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes).

Curriculum vitae
Personal website


Latest Publications

Kellner, M., Amberg, M., Knopf, B., Edenhofer, O., 2022

Was der Vorschlag der Gaskommission für private Haushalte bedeutet: Substanzielle Entlastung, aber sozial unausgewogen

Amberg, M., aus dem Moore, N., Bekk, A., Bergmann, T., Edenhofer, O., Flachsland, C., George, J., Haywood, L., Heinemann, M., Held, A., Kalkuhl, M., Kellner, M., Koch, N., Luderer, G., Meyer, H., Nikodinoska, D., Pahle, M., Roolfs, C., Schill, W.P., 2022

Reformoptionen für ein nachhaltiges Steuer- und Abgabensystem

Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Peer Review
Kalkuhl, M., Amberg, M., Bergmann, T., Knopf, B., Edenhofer, O., 2022

Gaspreisdeckel, Mehrwertsteuersenkung, Energiepauschale – Wie kann die Bevölkerung zielgenau und schnell entlastet werden?

Kellner, M., Amberg,M., Bergmann, T., Roolfs, C., Kalkuhl, M. , 2022

Entlastungspakete für Energiepreisanstiege: Auswirkungen und Nachbesserungsbedarf

MCC Arbeitspapier
Kalkuhl, M., Flachsland, C., Knopf, B., Amberg, M., Bergmann, T., Kellner, M., Stüber, S., Haywood, L., Roolfs, C., Edenhofer, O. , 2022

Auswirkungen der Energiepreiskrise auf Haushalte in Deutschland: sozialpolitische Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen
