Guest comment in the Handelsblatt newspaper
Hildegard Müller (BDEW) and Ottmar Edenhofer (MCC) are calling for a positive European signal in international climate policy through a strengthening of the European Emission Trading System.
In a guest comment for the Handelsblatt newspaper Hildegard Müller (Chair of the Management Board of the Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry) and Ottmar Edenhofer (Director of the MCC) are calling for, prior to the United Nations and European Union Summit, an ambitious, cost-efficient policy on climate in both a European and international context. Costly, uncoordinated unilateralist attempts at going it alone on climate and energy policy should be avoided, they said. The European Emission Trading System must be both reworked and strengthened as a central element of an effective climate protection policy, they stated.
In an interview mit the online offering of the paper Edenhofer also explained that through climate policy the potential for innovation should be preserved.