Sabine Fuss in Frankfurter Rundschau
The „FR“ reports on the UN Climate Change Conference in New York – quoting the latest research of the MCC scientist.
The “Frankfurter Rundschau” writes that the 2-degree target of international climate policy may be harder to achieve than previously thought. Thereby, the paper relies on the latest commentary of Sabine Fuss, head of the working group Resources and International Trade at Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) and others. It was published in “Nature Climate Change”.
The quoted analysis warns that the extensive use of bio energy as well as carbon capture and storage comes with many uncertainties and that a lot of expensive research would be necessary. “We’re relying on an approach that involves considerable uncertainties. Because, at present BECCS is still in its infancy,” Fuss said. In order to reach the 2-degree-target, pilot projects for BECCS would have to get underway. Therefore, safe geological storage sites as well as sustainable biomass supply that would not compete with other objectives such as food production would have to be found. Furthermore, the use of BECCS had reciprocal effects on global commons such as the oceans that are yet to be explored.
You can access the article of the “Frankfurter Rundschau” here (German only).
You can access the article of the “Kölner Stadtanzeiger” here (German only).
You can access the commentary in “Nature Climate Change” here.