… influence on EU environmental policy: https://www.endseurope.com/article/1839719/impact-list-2023-eu-politicians-professionals-shaping-european-green-policy
… programmes for private households.”
Reference of the cited article: Knopf, B., Illenseer, N., 2023, Die Finanzierung der Transformation: Klimafonds, Klimageld und Kernhaushalt, MCC working paper (German)…
… C., Steckel, J., Jakob, M., Fahl, U., Feist, M., Görlach, B., Kühner, A., Tänzler, D., Zeller, M., 2023, Eckpunkte zur Entwicklung einer Klimaaußenpolitikstrategie Deutschlands. Kopernikus-Projekt Ariadne,…
… kann die Entlastung aussehen?" (Systematic distribution analysis on the heat transition, German), June 2023
MCC working paper "CO2-Bepreisung zur Erreichung der Klimaneutralität im Verkehrs- und Gebäudesektor:…
… Löw, M., Perez-Laborda, A., Matej, S., Plank. B., Wiedenhofer, D., Creutzig, F., Erb, K., Duro, J., 2023, Built structures influence patterns of energy demand and CO2 emissions across countries, Nature…
… burden of 13,400 euros for private households affected by carbon pricing in the heating sector from 2023 to 2045, unless households adapt their consumption patterns and invest in clean technologies. The burden…
… has announced its plan to introduce a national carbon price of ILS 130 (∼USD 40) per ton of CO2 in 2023. In this study, we analyse the subsequent distributional impacts on Israeli households. We build on the…
… and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research was admitted to the academy during Leibniz Day 2023 in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements.
Edenhofer is Professor of Climate Economics…