Statement by MCC Director Ottmar Edenhofer at the conclusion of the world climate conference. “Important point of reference, the EU with its Green Deal can be encouraged.”
The free “Carbon Pricing Incidence Calculator”, which MCC presented today at the world climate conference in Dubai, shows the benefits of carbon pricing.
Removing a tonne of CO2 from the air and thus undoing a tonne of emissions? Doesn't quite work, says a study. And provides four objections in view of Earth systems.
Brigitte Knopf takes her leave after nine years to set up her own project in 2024. Director Ottmar Edenhofer: “She has made our interface with politics strong.”
Preparing for the global stocktake at COP28 in Dubai. Difference in measuring likely to skew climate targets. Net zero may be needed earlier than previously estimated.
Humankind is heading for a 3-degree Celsius world. William Lamb has led the chapter on global emissions in the UNEP Emissions Gap Report: “A trend reversal is yet to come”.
Climate scenarios require rapid development of novel methods. The speed is in line with developments in the past. Company and government announcements imply faster growth.
Researchers use big data methods to analyse 1.5 million short messages on X (Twitter). Insights can help prevent social conflict in the climate crisis.
Joint Science Conference of Germany’s federal and state governments signals permanent funding. Bundling of climate know-how from the basics to policy advice.
Raise the price of fossil fuels, and distribute the revenues back to the population in a targeted manner: a new study provides empirically based guidance for 16 countries.