Sustainable Resource Management and Global Change

This working group explores design and functioning of policy instruments and solutions for sustainable resource management and the provision of public goods. In particular, the researchers are concerned with instruments that mitigate climate change taking into account a range of objectives.


Team members

Head: Prof. Dr. Sabine Fuss

Evie Ackery
Maximilian Amberg
Johanna Arlinghaus
Dorothea Kistinger
Dr. Hannah Klauber
Dr. Nicolas Koch
Patrick Klösel
Ruben Prütz
Dr. Nolan Ritter
Quirina Rodriguez Mendez
Ingrid Schulte
Antonia Segieth
Audrey Thenot
Ben Thies
Zoe Wang

Research topics

The group’s research focus is on the analysis of best practice portfolios to address common goods problems, especially those related to climate change. The researchers are, for example, concerned with the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), and Managing Global Negative Emissions Technologies (MaGNET). Methodologically, the group uses econometric and numerical analyzes as well as meta-analytical approaches.


Research projects

The research team investigates a host of climate policies such as the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) or the phase-out of coal, e.g. in the German-Australian Energy Transition Hub. In addition, the team is researching the interaction between land use and sustainable development in Indonesia and Brazil in an international partner network (RESTORE+). Together with the Global Carbon Project (GCP), the group has established a research initiative on Negative Emissions (NETs) and identified research gaps and topics on which future research on NETs should focus. The Next Generation Policy project evaluates policy measures and future technologies to facilitate sustainable road mobility.


Current publications

Prütz, R., Fuss, S., Lück, S., Stephan, L., Rogelj, J., 2024

A taxonomy to map evidence on the co-benefits, challenges, and limits of carbon dioxide removal

Communications Earth & Environment
Peer Review
Kraus, S., Heilmayr, R., Koch, N., 2024

Spillovers to Manufacturing Plants from Multimillion Dollar Plantations: Evidence from the Indonesian Palm Oil Boom

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Rescource Economists
Peer Review