Dr. Michael Jakob is a Senior Researcher at MCC. His research focuses on climate policy in developing countries. His main research interests include:
- Distributional and Equity Implications of Climate Change Mitigation
- Political Economy of Energy and Climate Policy
- The Relation of Climate Policy to Capitalism, Economic Growth, and Globalization
- Governance and Policy Design
- Trends, Drivers and Future Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Michael Jakob holds a PhD in economics from the Technical University of Berlin and has obtained degrees in physics, economics, and international relations from universities in Munich, St. Gallen, and Geneva.
Ongoing work
Aggarwal, R., Ayhan, S., Jakob, M., Steckel, J.C.: Carbon pricing and household welfare – the case of Uganda
Gallé, J., Jakob, M., Steckel, J.C.: Distributional implications of energy innovation
Jakob, M.: Carbon pricing or industrial policy? A false dichotomy
Jakob, M., Mehling, M.: Comparing policy options to address export-related carbon leakage
Mehling, M., Jakob, M.: Subsidy-Related Aspects of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Sultani, D., Pahle, M., Jakob, M.: Optimal de-risking strategies for breakthrough technologies. Risk allocation in the transformation of the basic materials industry
Peer-reviewed journal articles by topic
Distributional and Equity Implications of Climate Change Mitigation:
Jakob, M., Chen, C., Fuss, S., Marxen, A., Rao, N., Edenhofer, E. (2016): Using carbon pricing revenues to finance infrastructure access. World Development 84: 254-65. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., Chen, C., Marxen, A., Fuss, S. (2015): Development incentives for fossil fuel subsidy reform. Nature Climate Change 5: 709-712. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., J. Steckel, C. Flachsland, L. Baumstark (2015): Climate Finance: Curse or Blessing? Climate and Development 7(1):1-15. [Manuscript Version here]. This study's data are the basis for the MCC Subsidy Map.
Jakob, M., Steckel, J., Klasen, S., Lay, J., Grunewald, N., Martínez-Zarzoso, I., Renner, S., Edenhofer, O. (2014): Feasible Mitigation Actions in Developing Countries. Nature Climate Change. 4: 961-968. Manuscript Version. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., J. Steckel (2014): How climate change mitigation could harm development in poor countries. WIREs Climate Change 5(2): 161-168. [Manuscript Version here]
Political Economy of Energy and Climate Policy:
Jakob, M., Flachsland, C., Steckel, J.C., Urpelainen, J. (2020): Actors, objectives, context: A political economy framework of energy and climate policy applied to India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Energy Research & Social Science 70: 101775 [manuscript version here]
Jakob, M., Steckel, J.C., Jotzo, F., Sovacool, B.K., Cornelsen, L., Chandra, R., Edenhofer, O., Holden, C., Löschel, A., Nace, T., Robins, N., Suedekum, J., Urpelainen, J. (2020): The future of coal in a carbon-constrained climate. Nature Climate Change 10: 704-707 [manuscript version here]
Jakob, M. (2018): Can carbon pricing jointly promote climate change mitigation and human development in Peru? Energy for Sustainable development 44: 87-96 [manuscript version here].
Jakob, M., Kübler, D., Steckel, J.C., van Veldhuizen, R. (2017): Clean up your own mess: An experimental study of moral responsibility and efficiency. Journal of Public Economics 155: 138-146 [manuscript version here]
Jakob, M. (2017): Ecuador's climate targets: A credible entry point to a low-carbon economy? Energy for Sustainable Development 39:91-100 [manuscript version here]
Zimmer, A., M. Jakob, J. Steckel (2015): What motivates Vietnam to strive for a low-carbon economy? - An explorative case study on the drivers of climate policy in a developing country. Energy for Sustainable Development, 24, pp. 19-32. Was awarded the Reddy Prize - Best Paper of 2014.
Relation of Climate Policy to Capitalism, Economic Growth, and Globalization
Manych, N., Steckel, J.C., Jakob, M. (2021): Finance-based accounting of coal emissions. Environmental Reserch Letters 16(4) [open access]
Jakob, M. Ward, H., Steckel, J.C. (2021): Sharing responsibility for trade-related emissions based on economic benefits. Global Environmental Change 66: 102207 [manuscript version here]
Ward, H., Steckel, J.C., Jakob, M. (2019): How Global Climate Policy Could Affect Competitiveness. Energy Economics 84(S1): 104549
Jakob, M., Edenhofer, O. (2014): Green Growth, Degrowth, and the Commons. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 30 (3): : 447-468. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., J. Steckel, O. Edenhofer (2014): Consumption- vs. Production-Based Emission Policies: Annual Review of Resource and Environmental Economics 6. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., R. Marschinski, M. Hübler (2013): Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Trade-Theory Analysis of Leakage under Production- and Consumption-Based Policies. Environmental and Resource Economics 56 (1): 47-72. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., R. Marschinski (2013): Interpreting trade-related CO2 emission transfers. Nature Climate Change 3(1): 19-23. [Manuscript Version here]
Marschinski, R., C. Flachsland, M. Jakob (2012): Sectoral Linking of Carbon Markets: A Trade-Theory Analysis. Resource and Energy Economics 34 (4): 585-606. [Manuscript Version here]
Governance and Policy Design
Jakob, M., Hilaire, J. (2015): Using Importers’ Windfall Savings from Oil Subsidy Reform to Enhance International Cooperation on Climate Policies. Climatic Change 131(4): 465-472. [Manuscript Version here]
Edenhofer, O., M. Jakob, F. Creutzig, C. Flachsland, S. Fuss, M. Kowarsch, K. Lessmann, L. Mattauch, J. Siegmeier, JC Steckel (2015): Closing the Emissions Price Gap. Global Environmental Change 31: 132-143. [Manuscript Version here]. Reprinted in Kaul, I. (ed.) (2016): Global Public Goods. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jakob, M., Lessmann, K., Wildgrube, T. (2014): The Role of Emissions Trading and Permit Allocation in International Climate Agreements with Asymmetric Countries. Strategic Behaviour and Environment, 4(4): 361-392. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., S. Brunner (2014): Optimal Commitment under Uncertainty: Adjustment Rules for Climate Policy. Strategic Behavior and Environment. 4 (3): 291-310. [Manuscript Version here]
Staub-Kaminski, I., A. Zimmer, M. Jakob, R. Marschinski (2014): Climate Policy in Practice: A Typology of Obstacles and Implications for Integrated Assessment Modeling. Climate Change Economics 5(1). [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., K. Lessmann (2012): Signaling in International Environmental Agreements: The Case of Early and Delayed Action. International Environmental Agreements: Policy, Law, and Economics 12(4): 309-325. [Manuscript Version here]
Trends, Drivers and Future Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Grunewald, N., M. Jakob, I. Mouratiadou (2014): Decomposing Inequality in CO2 Emissions: the Role of Primary Energy Carriers and Economic Sectors. Ecological Economics 100: 183-194. [Manuscript Version here]
Steckel, J., R.J. Brecha, J. Strefler, M. Jakob, G. Luderer (2013): Development without energy? On the challenge of sustainable development in the context of climate change mitigation. Ecological Economics 90: 53–67. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., M. Haller, R. Marschinski (2012): Will History Repeat Itself? Economic Convergence and Convergence in Energy Use Patterns. Energy Economics 34: 95-104. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M., G. Luderer, J. Steckel, M. Tavoni, S. Monjon (2012): Time to act now? Assessing the costs of delaying climate measures and benefits of early action. Climatic Change 114 (1): 79-99. [Manuscript Version here]
Luderer, G., V. Bosetti, M. Jakob, M. Leimbach, J. Steckel, H. Waisman, O. Edenhofer (2012): The economics of decarbonizing the energy system—results and insights from the RECIPE model intercomparison. Climatic Change 114 (1): 9-37. [Manuscript Version here]
Steckel, J., M. Jakob, G. Luderer, R. Marschinski (2011): From Carbonization to Decarbonization? - Past Trends and Future Scenarios for China's CO2 Emissions. Energy Policy 39 (6): 3443-3455. [Manuscript Version here]
Jakob, M. (2023). Wege zu einer sozial gerechten Verkehrswende. Hanser
Jakob, M. (ed.) (2022): Handbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change. Edward Elgar Publishing
Book chapters
Jakob, M., Edenhofer, O., Kornek, U., Lenzi, D., Minx, J. (2019): Governing the Commons to Promote Global Justice - Climate Change Mitigation and Rent Taxation. In: Kanbur, R. and Shue, H. (eds.): Climate Justice. Integrating Economics and Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
Edenhofer, O., C. Flachsland, J. Hilaire, M. Jakob (2016): Den Klimawandel stoppen. In: Patenge, M., Beck, R., Luber, M. (Hg.): Schöpfung bewahren. Theologie und Kirche als Impulsgeber für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg. Freely available online here.
Jakob, M., Edenhofer, O. (2014): Multiple Objectives for Governance of the global commons. In: Rogall, H., Binswanger, H.-C., Ekardt, F., Grothe, A., Hasenclever, W.-D., Hauchler, I., Jänicke, M., Kollmann, K., Michaelis, N.V., Nutzinger, H.G., Scherhorn, G.: Jahrbuch Nachhaltige Ökonomie 2014/15, Metropolis-Verlag.
Edenhofer, O., C. Flachsland, M. Jakob, K. Lessmann (2014): The Atmosphere as a Global Commons – Challenges for International Cooperation and Governance. Forthcoming in: Semmler, W., L. Bernard: The Handbook on the Macroeconomics of Climate Change. Oxford University Press. Also published as Harvard Project on Climate Agreements Discussion Paper 13-58.
Lead author for Ch. 4 of the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP)
Contributing author to chapter 9: Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Development (SRREN) of the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation.
Contributing author to chapter 4 of the fifth assessment report of the IPCC
Contributing author to chapter 5 of the fifth assessment report of the IPCC
Contributing author to chapter 13 of the fifth assessment report of the IPCC
Expert reviewer for the sixth assessment report of the IPCC
Policy papers
Jakob, M. (2023): Sozial, gerecht, mobil – Impulse zu einer nachhaltigen Mobilität. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (German only)
Graichen, J., Graichen, V., Jakob, M., Wissner, N. (2021). Including transport sectors in the EU ETS. Background paper for the EU Parliament ENVI Committee
Mattauch, L., Creutzig, F., aus dem Moore, N., Franks, M., Funke, F., Jakob, M., Sager, L., Schwarz, M., Voß, A., Beck, M.-L., Daub, C.-L., Drupp, M., Ekardt, F., Hagedorn, G., Kirchner, M., Kruse, T., Loew, T., Neuhoff, K., Neuweg, I., Peterson, S., Roesti, M., Schneider, G., Schmidt, R., Schwarze, R., Siegmeier, J., Thalmann, P., Wallacher, J. (2019). Antworten auf zentrale Fragen zur Einführung von CO2-Preisen. Gestaltungsoptionen und ihre Auswirkungen für den schnellen Übergang in die klimafreundliche Gesellschaft. Diskussionsbeiträge der Scientists for Future (German only)
Jakob, M., Soria, R., Trinidad, C., Edenhofer, O., Bak, C., Bouile, D., Buira, D., Carlino, H., Gutman, V., Hübner, C., Knopf, B., Lucena, A., Santos, L., Scott, A., Steckel, J.C., Tanaka, K., Vogt-Schilb, A., Yamada, K. (2018): Green Fiscal Reform for a Just Energy Transition in Latin America. Policy Brief for the Argentine G20 Presidency.
Schwerhoff, G., Dao Nguyen, T., Edenhofer, O., Grimalda, G., Jakob, M., Klenert, D., Siegmeier, J. (2017): Policy options for a socially balanced climate policy. Policy Brief for the German G20 Presidency.
Kalkuhl, M., Fernandez, B., Schwerhoff, G., Jakob, M., Hahnen, M., Creutzig, M., Bouma, J., van der Esch, J. (2017): Land Taxes as Fiscal Instruments to Promote Sustainable Development. Background Paper for PBL Holland (Policy Brief Version available online here).
Jakob, M. and Steckel, J,.C. (2016). The Just Energy Transition. Background Paper for the WWF.
Knopf, B., Koch, N., Grosjean, G. Fuss, S., Flachsland, C., Pahle, M., Jakob, M., Edenhofer, O. (2014): The European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): ex-post analysis, the market stability reserve and options for a comprehensive reform, FEEM Nota di Lavoro, 79.2014. Also published as Euro CASE Policy Position Paper.
Opinion pieces, newspaper articles, etc.
Jakob, M. (2023): JETPs brauchen mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit. Climate.Table 03.08.2023
Fritz, V., Steckel, J.C., Jakob, M. (2023): How to get out of coal – some political economy considerations. World Bank Governance and Development Blog
Goerlach, B. and Jakob, M. (2022): Europe should shape the green hydrogen market now. Euractiv. 04.11.2022 (also published in Knowable Magazine)
Jakob, M. (2022): Smart growth can help achieve a good life for all without killing the planet. Economist Impact. The Sustainability Project. 13.09.2022
Jakob, M. and Steckel, J.C. (2022): What we learned about coal phaseout by studying 15 countries. Carbon Brief, 01.08.2022
Jakob, M. (2022): Protecting the climate without causing energy poverty. UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab, 20.07.2022
Jakob, M. (2022): Neue Abhängigkeiten in einer klimaneutralen Weltwirtschaft: Was Deutschland dagegen tun kann. Inclusive Productivity, 25.05.2022
Jakob, M. (2022): What is the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and what does it mean for Israel? Israel Public Policy Institute, 24.05.2022
Jakob, M. (2022): Carbon Pricing and Just Transition. Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Tel Aviv, 21.03.2022
Brandi, C. and Jakob, M. (2022): Klimaclubs: Wie Kooperation im Klimaschutz (nicht) gelingt. Makronom, 31.01.2022
Jakob, M. (2022): Geht nicht, gibt's nicht. IPG, 06.01.2022
Jakob, M. (2022): Wege aus dem Trilemma. Tagesspiegel Background, 05.01.2022
Manych, N., Han Springer, C., Jakob, M. and Steckel, J.C. (2021): China holds the financial key to huge carbon emission avoidance. East Asia Forum 29.10.2021
Manych, N., Steckel, J., Jakob, M. (2021): How finance from rich nations could drive 40% of new coal plant emissions. Carbon Brief 13.04.2021
Jakob, M., Ward, H. and Steckel, J.C. (2021): How to ‘fairly’ share emissions from goods traded around the world. Carbon Brief 04.01.2021
Fuss, S. and Jakob, M. (2020): Die verschiedenen Transformationspfade zum 1,5-Grad-Ziel. Makronom, 26.10.2020
Jakob, M. and Kowarsch, M. (2020): Corona: Die letzte Krise des Kapitalismus? (German only) Makronom (also posted on the Common Economics Blog), 13.08.2020.
Jakob, M. and Steckel, J.C. (2020): Sozial gerechte Wege aus der COVID-19-Krise. (German only) Makronom, (also posted on the Common Economics Blog) 25.06.2020
Steckel, J.C. and Jakob, M. (2020): Dem Wachstumsversprechen durch Kohle widerstehen: Wie Schwellenländer klimafreundlich wachsen können. (German only) Stiftung Energie & Klimaschutz, 04.05.2020
Jakob, M. and Koch, N. (2019): Klimapolitik und eine starke deutsche Wirtschaft – das geht zusammen! Tagesspiegel Background, (German only) (also posted on the Common Economics Blog), 23.08.2019
Jakob M.: Green fiscal reform was not invited to G20 tango show. CEP Discussion Note (also posted on the Common Economics Blog), 02.08.2018
Jakob, M. and Steckel, J.C. (2018): Coal: On the political economy in Indonesia and Vietnam. Common Economics Blog, 25.04.2018
Jakob, M. and O. Edenhofer (2017): Trinkwasser für alle statt schmutzige Energie. Zeit Online, 15.09.17 (German only)
Jakob, M. (2017): Una propuesta sobre el precio al carbono en Perú. SPDA Actualidad Ambiental 15.08.2017
Jakob M. und Steckel, J. (2017): Klimaschutz fehlt. Frankfurter Rundschau, 15.06.17 (German only)
Jakob M. (2016): Gute Aussichten fürs Klima ? Perus Klimapolitik nach der COP 22. Infoperu Newsletter 47
Jakob, M. and O. Edenhofer (2015): Welfare with or without Growth? GAIA 24(4): 240-242
Edenhofer, O., J.C. Steckel, M. Jakob (2015):Climate Finance in the Context of Sustainable Development. France Stratégie
Edenhofer, O., C. Flachsland, J. Hilaire, M. Jakob (2015): Ist unbegrenztes Wachstum in einer begrenzten Welt möglich? Le Monde Diplomatique Atlas der Globalisierung (German only, also available online on taz.de)
Jakob, M., Hilaire, J. (2015): Unburnable Fossil Fuel Reserves. Nature 517: 150–152.
Jakob, M.: Carbon export taxes could prevent "trade wars" between China, EU and US. China Dialogue online. Chinese Version.
Jakob, M. (2012): The fair cost of renewable energy. Nature Climate Change 2: 488–489.
Edenhofer, O., M. Jakob (2012): Why the promise of "green growth" would be illusory without a climate protection agreement to go with it. KfW Meinungsforum Entwicklungspolitik 6, June 6, 2012. German Version.
Marschinski, R., M. Jakob (2011): Reconsidering Copenhagen. Nature Climate Change 1 (6): 297–298.
Other publications
Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, Nature Geoscience, Science Advances, PNAS, Environmental Research Letters, Global Environmental Change, Environmental and Resource Economics, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, International Environmental Agreements, Environment and Development Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, WIREs Climate Change, Climate and Development, Climate Policy, Energy Policy, Energy for Sustainable Develpment, Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Science & Technology, Energy Research & Social Science, Applied Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production, Strategic Behavior and Environment, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, The Energy Journal, Energy Strategy Reviews, Transport Policy, Games, World Development, Review of Development Economics, International Tax and Public Finance, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Economic Surveys, Applied Economics, B.E. Journal of Economics, Economic Systems Research, GAIA, Frontiers in Energy Research, American Review of Political Science, WTO World Trade Report, MIT Press, Palgrave McMillan
Fall semester 2023: Policy options for sustainable mobility (with Aneeque Javaid). Hertie School, Berlin
Fall semester 2022: Data perspectives on global greenhouse gas emissions, unequal contributions to climate change, and transitions to net zero emissions (with William Lamb). Hertie School, Berlin
Spring semester 2022: Policy options for a transition to clean mobility. Hertie School, Berlin
Winter Semester 2019/2020: Kooperation, Konflikte und Globale Umweltprobleme within the programms 'Vielfalt der Wissensformen' at the bologna.lab of HU Berlin
Winter Semester 2019/2020: Guest lecturer for Advanced Climate Policy und Emissions Pricing at the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
Winter Semester 2014/15: Climate and Development with Jan Steckel and Gregor Schwerhoff.
Summer Semester 2013:"Climate Change Economics: Green Growth and New Models of Prosperity - Fairy Tale or Strategy?" at the Technical University of Berlin.
Winter Semester 2010/2011: Seminar on "Low-Carbon Development", co-taught by Jan Steckel at the Technical University of Berlin.
Country experience
Uruguay (desk research), Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, Peru, Ecuador