Policy dialogue on carbon pricing

In its role as a scientific think tank, MCC recommends carbon pricing as a core instrument of climate policy. It can be socially balanced, as our carbon price calculatorshows (see screenshot above). In the months leading up to the German climate package in 2019, MCC held intensive talks with ministries, the Chancellery, and various interest groups; the expert report "Options for a Carbon Pricing Reform" developed at the institute was presented to the Climate Cabinet in the presence of the Chancellor. The MCC continuously provides further contributions, and is in exchange with policymakers and other stakeholders nationally and internationally.
Exertises and working papers
Expert report "Options for a carbon pricing reform", English executive summary, July 2019
Full version of the expert report: "Optionen für eine CO2-Preis-Reform" (German), July 2019
Assessment of German Climate Package, October 2019
MCC working paper „Der CO2-Preis in der Twitter-Analyse – das sagen die Parteien“ (carbon pricing on Twitter, German) February 2020
Complementary communication
MCC delivers a draft for a socially balanced heat transition, June 2023
Analysis on the distributional impact of climate policy measures in transport, June 2021
Four popular misconceptions about carbon pricning, June 2021
Blog article on Germany's climate finance package (German), January 2020
On the decision for higher carbon price in Germany, December 2019
Effects of carbon pricing in other countries
Differences between city and country
Households particularly burdened
Incidence on households: calculation for "Wirtschaftswoche" (German)