Noah Kögel has been a doctoral student in the working group "Economic Growth and Human Development" since 2022. Within the FEIRE project, he is working on energy consumption and emissions in the residential building sector together with project partners from Humboldt University and the German owners' association Haus & Grund. The project aims to highlight the potentials for further emission savings, and to identify reasons why refurbishment measures often fail to be implemented, especially in the landlord-tenant market.
Noah moved from North Rhine-Westphalia to Potsdam in 2017 to study economics and political science (“Politik und Wirtschaft”, B.Sc.) at the city's university. In 2020, he then moved to the Free University of Berlin to study Economics (M.Sc.) in more depth. In his master's thesis, Noah applied econometric methods to estimate the influence of climate change on the technological development of an economy. Alongside his studies, he gained his first scientific experience as a student assistant; among others for the chair of Public Economics at the University of Potsdam and in the research department 4 "Complexity Science" of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
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Selected publications
Revealing Regional Diversity in Economic Output
with Robert Carr, Maximilian Kotz, and Leonie Wenz
[Sustainability Community]
Recent working papers
Climate impacts on inventive activity: a novel perspective on future productivity
with Matthias Kalkuhl, Maximilian Kotz and Leonie Wenz (available upon request)