389 results:

Policy Unit

… are suitable to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Together with actors from…


… development. Key questions are: How can the Paris Agreement be developed further to gradually increase…

The 2024 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: launching a new low-carbon, healthy journey

… a world rapidly approaching the long-term goal of Paris Agreement to “hold the increase in the global average…

“At best the avoidance of a diplomatic disaster”

… with regard to the goals set out in the Paris Agreement, a new collective financing target to…

Countries need to provide clarity on the role of carbon dioxide removal in their climate pledges

… required for meeting the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement (IPCC 2022). However, parties to the…

Land remains a blind spot in tracking progress under the Paris Agreement due to lack of data comparability

…Carbon fluxes from land use are key to the Paris Agreement. However, data comparability issues persist between…

Planetarische Müllabfuhr – Gamechanger der Klimapolitik?

… weil andernfalls die ambitionierten Klimaziele des Pariser Klimaabkommens nicht zu erreichen sind. CDR hat…

Let it sink in: New governance and finance structures are needed to scale up carbon dioxide removals

… demand, and (5) Operationalise Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to enable the international transfer of…

At the World Climate Summit, a financing concept for carbon removals is launched

… CO2 is estimated at 1,000 euros and higher. By comparison, the price of the corresponding permit in European…

The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action

…Despite the initial hope inspired by the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world is now dangerously close to breaching its…