Why mitigation only through money won’t work
The German daily SZ reports on a new MCC study which proposes more realism in climate and development policies.
The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” describes one of the key findings of the MCC scientists Jan Steckel and Michael Jakob: It is unlikely that poorer countries will make a sharp turnaround in climate mitigation simply by getting money from developed countries. Although such transfers were necessary, their complexity and side effects would often be underestimated.
“Simply demanding climate mitigation from poorer countries in return for money will not work,” Jan Steckel told the paper. “You will have to tackle the essential topics: poverty reduction, energy security and air quality – with climate mitigation being the co-benefit.”
Michael Jakob also pointed out the following aspect: “A rising energy demand has been and still is a crucial point in economic development. You cannot expect countries to switch to clean energy just like that.”
Both scientists, furthermore, stressed that policy makers in focusing on China or India should not forget other countries where millions also wait for a way out of poverty, namely Nigeria or Indonesia. Jan Steckel: “We still got time to set the course there.”
You can access the article of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" here (German only).
You can access the article of the "Tagesspiegel" here (German only).