Carbon pricing for better infrastructure

Shortly before the UN climate change conference in Lima MCC director Edenhofer in an interview pledges for carbon pricing.


Worldwide carbon emissions have to be reduced – that is the aim of the UN climate change conference in Lima. The delegates want to work on the details in regards to a new worldwide climate treaty. In this context the director of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Ottmar Edenhofer, pledges for taxing carbon. Because the atmosphere as a global carbon disposal runs short.

“Today, we understand much better that the revenues from carbon pricing can also be used to lower other taxes, reduce public debt and invest in infrastructure,” Edenhofer told “Deutsche Welle”. “In many countries worldwide the need for infrastructure is huge and that is why carbon pricing could provide quite the opportunity.”

Local disadvantages of carbon pricing could easily contained by investing these revenues in the quality of that location. “The whole world complains that our infrastructure is slowly crumbling. It would make absolute sense to finance these infrastructures through a carbon tax or the revenues of auctioning carbon allowances.”


You can access the "Deutsche Welle" article in English here.