Incentives for the Climate Conference in Paris
In an interview with "nano" on 3sat, MCC’s Secretary General Brigitte Knopf explains which steps in climate policy can raise hope for the COP21.
On the occasion of the 6th Petersberg Climate Dialogue, the science programme "nano" on the German TV channel 3sat interviewed the Secretary General of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Brigitte Knopf, on climate policy. Knopf underlines the need for countries to agree upon a common line and to make their national contributions in climate policy comparable.
"In terms of politics, we are at the moment not on the way to a two-degree world, but rather a four-degree world," says Knopf. It is possible to stay below the two-degree target at acceptable costs. "But it implies a major technical challenge, perhaps even with negative emissions at the end of the century. This could imply other trade-offs. And it will be very difficult. "
Nevertheless, MCC’s Secretary General also points to positive signals: "Late last year, the US and China, the two largest emitters, who are together responsible for about 40 percent of global emissions, made an agreement on how emission reduction can be realized." Also within the Green Climate Fund, things are evolving. "There are small signs that Paris could actually lead us somewhere."
Looking at Germany, Knopf emphasizes that the electricity grid expansion is a crucial component for its energy transition, the Energiewende. "If any delay occurs, it will become difficult for Germany to meet its self-imposed emission reduction targets for 2020."