Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Fichert, F., Creutzig, F., 2021

COVID-19 and pathways to low-carbon air transport until 2050

Environmental Research Letters
Peer Review
Blum, M., Colell, A., Hoffmann, J., Karohs, K., Kowarsch, M., Krude, M., Saur, M., Thiel, H. , 2021

Was ist uns wichtig bei Verkehrs- und Stromwende? Bürgerinnen und Bürger sprechen über Herausforderungen und Ziele

Creutzig, F., Erb, K., Haberl, H., Hof, C., Hunsberger, C., Roe, S., 2021

Considering sustainability thresholds for BECCS in IPCC and biodiversity assessments

Global Change Biology Bioenergy
Peer Review
Lenzi, D. , 2021

On the Permissibility (Or Otherwise) of Negative Emissions

Ethics, Policy & Environment
Peer Review
Fuss, S, Johnsson, F. , 2021

The BECCS Implementation Gap–A Swedish Case Study

Energy Research
Peer Review
Kotz, M., Wenz, L., Stechemesser, A., Kalkuhl, M., Levermann, A., 2021

Day-to-day temperature variability reduces economic growth

Nature Climate Change
Peer Review
Fleurbaey, M., Kornek, U. , 2021

When redistribution makes personalized pricing of externalities useless

Journal of Public Economic Theory
Peer Review
Bertram, C., Luderer, G., Creutzig, F., Bauer, N., Ueckerdt, F., Malik, A., Edenhofer, O. , 2021

COVID-19-induced low power demand and market forces starkly reduce CO2 emissions

Nature Climate Change
Peer Review
Berrang-Ford, L., Lesnikowski, A., Fischer A.P., Siders, A.R., Mach, K.J., Thomas, A., Callaghan, M., Haddaway, N., Bezner Kerr, R., Biesbroek, R., Bowen, K., Deryng, D., Elliott, S., Ford, J.D., Garschagen, M., Gilmore, E., Harper, Sh., Hassnoot, M., Lissner, T., Lwasa, Sh., Magnan, A.K., Minx, J., Morecroft, M., New, M., Coughlan de Perez, E., Reckien, D., Simpson, N., Singh, Ch., Stringer, L., Totin, E., Trisos, Ch., Van Aalst, M. , 2021

The Global Adaption Mapping Initiative (GAMI): Part 1 - Introduction and overview of methods

Peer Review
Fischer, A.P., Callaghan, M., Berrang-Ford, L., Nielsen, M., Sotnik, G., Villaverde Canosa, I., Haddaway, N., Biesbroek, R., Harper, Sh., Minx, J., Coughlan de Perez, E., Reckien, D., Van Aalst, M. , 2021

The Global Adaption Mapping Initiative (GAMI): Part 2 - Screening protocol

Peer Review
Lesnikowski, A., Berrang-Ford, L., Siders, A.R., Haddaway, N., Biesbroek, R., Harper, Sh., Minx, J., Coughlan de Perez, E., Reckien, D., New, M., Singh, Ch., Thomas, A., Totin, E., Trisos, Ch., Van Bavel, B. , 2021

The Global Adaption Mapping Initiative (GAMI): Part 3 - Coding protocol

Peer Review
Berrang-Ford, L., Döbbe, F., Garside, R., Haddaway, N., Lamb, W., Minx, C., Viechtbauer, W., Welch, V., White, H., 2021

Editorial: Evidence synthesis for accelerated learning on climate solutions

Campbell Systematic Reviews
Peer Review
Edenhofer, O., Franks, M. & Kalkuhl, M., 2021

Pigou in the 21st Century: a tribute on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the publication of The Economics of Welfare

International Tax and Public Finance
Peer Review
Fuss, S., Golub, A., Lubowski, R., 2021

The economic value of tropical forests in meeting global climate stabilization goals

Global Sustainability
Peer Review
Jakob, M., Ward, H., Steckel, J., 2020

Sharing responsibility for trade-related emissions based on economic benefits

Global Environmental Change
Peer Review
Milojevic-Dupont, N., Hans, N., Kaack, L. H., Zumwald, M., Andrieux, F., de Barros Soares, D., Lohrey, S., Pichler, P., Creutzig, F. , 2020

Learning from urban form to predict building heights

Plos One
Peer Review
Callaghan, M., Müller-Hansen, F., 2020

Statistical stopping criteria for automated screening in systematic reviews

Systematic Review
Peer Review
Haddaway, N. R., Callaghan, M. W., Collins, A., M., Lamb, W. F., Minx, J. C., Thomas, J., John, D. , 2020

On the use of computer‐assistance to facilitate systematic mapping

Campbell Systematic Reviews
Peer Review
Ohlendorf, N., Jakob, M., Minx, J., Schröder, C., Steckel, J., 2020

Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing

Environmental and Resource Economics
Peer Review