95 results:

Feldstein meets George: Land rent taxation and sociallyoptimal allocation in economies with environmental externality

… the socially optimal allocation during the transitional phase to the social planner's steady state.…

A good life for all within planetary boundaries

… Using indicators designed to measure a ‘safe and just’ development space, we quantify the resource use…

Urban transitions and diets

Bren d’Amour, C.

Synergies and trade-offs between energy-efficient urbanization and health

… characterizations of the environmental-health transition, but also points to an important role of energy…

On the fiscal strategies of escaping poverty-environment traps towards sustainable growth.

… taxes and capital income tax implemented for transition phase are quite new compared to the existing…

Urban transitions and diets

Bren d’Amour, C.

From Conflict to Consensus? Discourses on German Energy Transition

… debates – one calling for ambitious energy transition policies, the other more strongly oriented…

Human well-being and climate change mitigation

… new frontier in mitigation research, involving not just technological change and economic incentives, but…

Optimal Environmental Taxation with Capital Mobility

…te policy exemptions for energy intensive sectors are often justified with distributional concerns. One concern is that…

Climate change, equity and the Sustainable Development Goals: an urban perspective

… suggest solutions for avoiding increased equity and justice concerns as a result of climate change impacts,…