Discussion: What's Next After the Paris Climate Agreement?
"We quickly have to specify institutions and policy instruments", was a conclusion of the panel discussion jointly organized by MCC and Hertie School of Governance on 22 April
Christian Flachsland, head of the MCC working group 'Governance' and Assistant Professor for Climate & Energy Governance at the Hertie School, gave an input for the discussion´s topic "Mission Accomplished? What's Next After the Paris Climate Agreement" outlining his perspective on the goals and means included in the Paris agreement. He stressed the need to quickly specify the institutions and policy instruments included in the agreement to enable attainment of its very ambitious goals, including international carbon pricing coordination.
The panel discussion was moderated by Brigitte Knopf from MCC, and included Harry Lehmann from the German Environmental Protection Agency (UBA), Carsten Rolle from the German Association of Industry (BDI), and William Acworth from the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP).
More on Flachsland´s perspective, and that of co-authors Ottmar Edenhofer and Ulrike Kornek from MCC, is now available in a recent book article (German only) "Koordinierte CO2-Preise: Ein Vorschlag zur Weiterentwicklung des Pariser Abkommens".