95 results:

Coal transitions – part 2: phase-out dynamics in global long-term mitigation scenarios

… review presents a comprehensive assessment of coal transitions in mitigation scenarios consistent with the…

The next frontier for climate change science

… climate change research is crucial for guiding the transition towards a low-carbon climate resilient future,…

Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024

… in the face of climate risks, (9) adaptation justice, and (10) just transitions in food systems. …

Wicked facets of the German energy transition – examples from the electricity, heating, transport, and industry sectors

…We shed light on wicked problems in the German energy transition. Our methods consist of a multiple-case study and…

Pushed to finance? Assessing technology export as a motivator for coal finance abroad

… and their domestic industries for low-carbon transitions globally. Manych, N., Egli, F., Ohlendorf, N.,…

Designing a virtuous cycle: Quality of governance, effective climate change mitigation, and just outcomes support each other

Climate change mitigation is mostly assessed through the lens of technologies and policy instruments. However, governance and social capital are crucial factors in complex social systems and may be

Investment Dynamics in the Energy Sector under Carbon Price Uncertainty and Risk Aversion

… uncertainty and risk aversion tend to delay the transition to a low-carbon energy system, with higher…

India's just energy transition: Political economy challenges across states and regions

… the potential distributional effects of an energy transition from the perspective of Indian states. We assess…

Investment in new coal-fired power plants after the COVID-19 pandemic: experts expect 170–270 GW of new coal

… to speed up the phase-out of coal through 'Just Energy Transition Partnerships'. Yet, to assess those…

Actors in multi-sector transitions - discourse analysis on hydrogen in Germany

…With net-zero emission goals, low-carbon transitions enter a new phase of development, leading to new challenges for…