Kowarsch, M.

Chap. 4: Beyond general principles: water ethics in a Deweyan perspective

in In: Ziegler, Rafael; and Groenfeldt, David (eds.): Global Water Ethics: Towards a Global Ethics Charta. Routledge, pp. 57–74., 01.03.2017

Bücher , Scientific Assessments, Ethics, and Public Policy

Kowarsch, Martin (2017): Chap. 4: Beyond general principles: water ethics in a Deweyan perspective. In: Ziegler, Rafael; and Groenfeldt, David (eds.): Global Water Ethics: Towards a Global Ethics Charta. Routledge, pp. 57–74. Book description: https://www.routledge.com/Global-Water-Ethics-Towards-a-global-ethics-charter/Ziegler-Groenfeldt/p/book/9781138204294