96 results:

Actors in multi-sector transitions - discourse analysis on hydrogen in Germany

…With net-zero emission goals, low-carbon transitions enter a new phase of development, leading to new challenges for…

The 2022 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: towards a climate resilient future

… global responsibility and opportunity to lead the transition to becoming a low-carbon economy and a…

Pandemic, War, and Global Energy Transitions

… impacts of these crises on low-carbon energy transitions and mitigation of climate change are still…

How trade policy can support the climate agenda

… level the playing field, such as border carbon adjustments (BCAs), may be justified for specific…

When is the electric vehicle market self-sustaining? Evidence from Norway

… that critical mass constraints do no longer justify the provision of subsidies. Koch, N., Ritter, N.,…

Competing energy visions in Kenya

… and is uniquely positioned in the unfolding transition to a decarbonized global energy system. Ayhan,…

The Political Economy of Coal: Obstacles to Clean Energy Transitions

… that are either substantial coal users, are just beginning to ramp up their capacities, or have already…

A systematic review on shared mobility in China

… on a potential low-carbon transportation system transition, highlighting the key role of bike sharing and…

The political economy of coal: Lessons learnt from 15 country case studies

… that climate change mitigation costs can be justified by benefits to the health of humans and nature…